Sunday, May 02, 2004

Congratulations, You Are Dead...

That was a pretty good LAN party.

Anyone who accuses me of feeling that way just because I did well and killed a lot will be vehemently shushed. And at least partly right.

I think we need to play that Subtransit map more often. On our last round in Subtransit, I lead the kills at 101. The runner-up was Leon, my team-mate, at 55. It was simply incredible.

I did OK in Crossfire and Boot Camp, but my-oh-my, I had no idea I could do that well in Subtransit. Wowser. And thanks for letting me win those, guys.

My son's face is just fine. It looked a lot worse at the time than it turned out to be. Now if he can just learn to stay in bed, we'll be great.

The wife and I are at peace again. The making up was nice. I like to make up.

Tomorrow I'll take my last final for this semester. It's been a hard semester.

Last night my parents got home from Bermuda. They had a great time, and they seem well sunned and rested.

And I'm going to be doing some fishing over the next couple of weeks.

In short, things are looking up! Now I have to find a job. Ick.

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